Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Rocket! :)

Talon is zooming around. He is still pretty cautious and doesn't venture out of the front room.

Yesterday Talon and I made a trip north. We visited Great Grandma Valentine and also my friend Jessica and her new baby who were in from out of state. It was so good to see them all. I haven't seen Jessica for over 5 years. It had also been quite awhile since we have seen Grandma Valentine it was good to catch up and for Talon to see his Great Grandma.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

HE DID IT !!!!!

Talon is crawling!

Last night Nathan's brother (that is who you can see in the video) and his parents came over to give Nathan a blessing. While they were here Talon crawled forward. This is the first time he has accomplished this. :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

I feel like a single mom....

Nathan has been sick this past week with a really bad cold. I feel so bad for him but I hope he doesn't share this one with me or Talon.

Nathan has been keeping his distance from Talon and I. I really have never had to do everything on my own since Talon was born, well I did while Nathan was at work but when he would get home they would have Daddy time and I would get a little break. There has always been someone there to help when I was sick or had a surgery. I guess I had better get used to it. I'm sure this isn't going to be the first or the last time this happens. :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I love this little boy!!

Monday, January 19, 2009


I told Nathan to smile this is what I got. :)

Last Saturday I played Basketball with the Relief Society. Lets just say I am way out of shape and my shot needs some work. I did OK. :) My legs are really sore today.

Talon was showing me how to properly stretch for the game. :D

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Hair Cut!

No I didn't cut Talons hair again. :)

Talon is feeding himself really well. He uses his left hand a lot. Does that mean he is going to be left handed?

My little Jazz Fan! We are still Jazz fans although they did horrible in their last game.

I got my hair cut again yesterday. I like it a lot better than my last one. Well lets say I like the person who cut my hair a lot better, she did a much better job.

What do you think? Do you like it?

Getting Better!

This picture was taken a couple of days ago he looks a lot better than that now.

My nephew Lucas has been in the hospital for over a week now. He had E-coli. It was so sad to see him so sick. I felt to bad for the little guy. He is doing a lot better now and they are hoping they will be able to go home within the next couple of days.
He went through two blood transfusions and a lot of blood being drawn twice a day, leaving his arms really bruised.
We love you Lucas and hope you get better really soon! Nathan and I have gone and visited him a couple of times and he still was so funny even though he didn't feel well.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Are Wii Having Fun?

I love this picture.

We went over to Danny and Shuree's last night, played the Wii and ate Pizza and cake. I love the faces that are made.

Look at the concentration. :)

Adam and Jack are here for a few days. Nathan's grandpa passed away a little over a week so they are here for the funeral.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Almost There!

Talon is almost mobile!!!
I am kind of scared and excited for this. My house isn't entirely baby prof. :)
I know I should have done this long ago but I really didn't have a reason to until now. There is just a lot of things I am going to have to move to higher shelves.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year Hair Cut

I cut Talon's hair today. It was so long it was probably about two inches long on the top. The back had started to look straggly and it was bothering me. so the is was it looks like now. I think it looks OK. What so you think?

Happy New Year!

Talon fell asleep about 11:00.

Nathan didn't make it to midnight. I had to wake him up and give him a kiss. :)

We played the Wii and a card game.

We had Shuree, Danny and most of their kids over for the new year.