Talon was a tiger for Halloween. He looked so cute and even has a little growl. :) I painted a little nose and some whiskers I think they turned out well.
The costume had these cute paw prints on the bottom of the feet.
Nathan had to work in Preston Idaho on Saturday and I had a lot of materials left over, so I invited my Mother-in-law and my Sisters-in-laws over to make a tile picture. They brought some of their kids with them. While we were making the pictures I put Talon in his jumper I thought he would be safer there and not get trampled. Everything was going well then my niece Sarah comes up to me and says, "Josh is drawing on the Jumper and he drew on Talon's face!" :0
Low and behold this is what I found!
Everything turned out well and Talon is as happy as ever.
I don't blame or am I mad at my sister-in-law or her cute little boy. I love you guys to death.
My aunt Denise tagged me.
I'm supposed to go the the sixth folder in my pictures and post the sixth picture.
Here you go.