Thursday, July 9, 2009

14 Months Old!

Wow! It is so crazy how fast time goes by.

Talon just keeps getting smarter and smarter every day.

Talon saying he is one.
Talon loves to go on walks. He will say "go walk" when he wants to go on a walk. When he signs airplane he makes the sound of an airplane. When I sing Old McDonald he will say the "e-i-e-i-o" part it is so cute. I will have to post a video later of it. When I ask him ow old he is he will put up one finger and say "one."

Waving and saying "Hi"

Saying "cheese"

Some new signs Talon has learned, airplane, baby, cracker, juice, thank you, and sleep.

He can do many animal noises including, dog, cat, lion, monkey, snake, cow and horse. He whispers all the sounds and words except the cat sound he says loud. A couple of weeks ago in church he decided to do the cat sound and got some looks. :)

I bought him a new floater for the pool and he loves it. We had his cousins over today and they had a blast, I forgot my camera so sorry no pictures.

I keep getting asked when we are going to have another baby? I don't really know what to say to this, hey if I got pregnant next month Talon and he or she would be two years apart. :)


Kimber said...

This is such a fun age, it seems like they learn something new every day!

The Perkins said...

Can that little guy get any cuter!! Love him to pieces...what a smartie. I can't wait to see you this weekend!