Tuesday, December 9, 2008

7 Months Old!

Wow! it is so crazy how fast time flies.

Talon is still coughing but doing better. He sits up like an expert and is developing a little attitude, I wonder who he gets that from? :) (his dad) It is funny he has these little temper tantrums.

He wants to be held all the time and got spoiled while he was sick and was held most of the time. Now that he is getting better he still thinks he needs to be held all the time. I can't hold him very long I am still kind of week from my surgery but getting stronger.


Paulette said...

Glad he is doing better. You make sure and take it easy. Love you. Mom

Kimber said...

He sure is a handsome little guy, and I 'm glad that you're recovering from your surgery.