Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Curl or straight?

I decided to do something different today.

I put some gel in Talons hair and brought out the curl.

So what do you think does he look better with the curly or straight hair? (look and the next post to compare)


Denise said...

I think he looks adorable with the curls.

Davis Fam said...

Aw the curls are SO cute! I wish Linkin's would curl like that! (or even mine every once in a while)

Amy and David said...

I love the curls!!! That is so cute! You are lucky he has both. He is starting to look like such a little man. I love it straight though too.He is a very adorable little boy!

Paulette said...

I love the cutie pie both ways...but always loved the curls. I am glad you are letting it grow a little.