Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Marriage Tag

How Long have we been Married? 4 years.
How old is your husband? 28
Who eats more? ME
Who said "I Love You" first? Nathan
Who is taller? Nathan
Who sings better? We are both OK at singing.
Who is smarter? Nathan, well it depends on the subject.
Who controls the T.V. ? ME, Nathan really doesn't like T.V.
Whose temper is worse? Nathan, I hate confrontations (I'll cry)
Who does the dishes? Both of us.
Who sleeps on the right? I do.
Who cooks? Nathan does most of the time. He likes to. I can but don't enjoy it.
Who is more stubborn? It depends on the situation.
Who admits they are wrong first? ME
Whose parents do you see more? It is kind of a tie. We used to see Nathan's parents more wen we lived closer to them.
Who has more siblings? Nathan
Who has more friends? ME
Who wears the pants? Nathan would like to believe he does. :)

p.s Talon rolled over and I saw it this time.


Davis Fam said...

We are pretty excited about a boy.... Marc's eyes lit up when they said thats what it is.
This made me laugh...
Who wears the pants? Nathan would like to believe he does. :) Because Marc thinks he does too!

Mommamort said...

How fun to read about you and your sweetie :)

Thanks for the memory. I want to leave one for you. I remember how much my Tiff always idealized you in Young Women's. She really looked up to you and now look at the two of you. All grown up in the big people's world. Thanks for being such a great example for her to look up to.

Tia said...

OH man! Talon is so big! I really like your blog! it's so cute! Thanks for commenting on my blog. it's fun to read about you and stuff that you have going on! LOVE YA!