Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today my Mom, Dad, Lucas (my nephew), me and Talon went to the Zoo! We had a great time. Lucas is so funny and is always asking questions, his favorite question is "why"?

Lucas, Talon and I rode the Marry Go Round. Talon and I rode on a Kangaroo and Lucas rode a Bear.

I told Lucas to make a face like the Gorilla.

Trying to be as big as the Gorilla.


This is so funny it looks like the Gorilla is taking a picture of the other one. :)

It was perfect weather not to hot and not to cold. :) There were hardly any people there we didn't have to wait in any lines it was great.

Nathan couldn't go he had to work. :(

We had a blast taking pictures and seeing the animals. My favorite was the tiger.


Anonymous said...

Hey, who does Lucas belong to? How are your parents doing? Where are they living at these days? Your mom is still as cute as ever. Where is Talese at? Does she have any kids?

Kimber said...

It looks like you guys had fun; I didn't realize your parents were visiting this week.