Monday, May 25, 2009


Here are a couple of recent photos of Talon...

Talon playing the Wii with Daddy..

My mom came to Salt Lake for meetings and Talon loved to see his Grandma. He wanted to go home with her. :)

On Thursday night Talon had a really bad fever and was just not his normal self. We were able to get it under control with Tylenol. By Saturday morning he still wasn't feeling well so we took him into the doctor. He has an ear infection and got some antibiotics which are helping. He is doing a lot better.
I thought I better type some things Talon is doing or I will forget.
Talon knows some sign language, he knows Dog, Ball, More, Table, and All Done. He can Wave, Clap, Give Five, Blow Kisses (witch consists of him just blowing without the hand motion). He can almost walk, he has taken a few steps on his own.
I love this little guy so much and I can't believe how fast he is growing.


Kimber said...

He is such a cutie!!

Paulette said...

So fun to see you yesterday for a minute, can't wait until the weekend. Kiss Talon for Grandma.